Available Adults

All dogs are registered!

Adults over 1 year old, but under 3 years old, are available from $1,000 to $3,000 each, or higher, including spay/neuter, dog door trained, crate trained, a good start on housetraining, (a limited number of mistakes may be expected when a dog goes to a new home). Leash trained, basic commands, and most will fetch. Smaller young adults will be on the higher end.

Adults over 3 years old, are available at $500 to $1,500 each, including spay/neuter, dog door trained, crate trained, a good start on housetraining, (a limited number of mistakes may be expected when a dog goes to a new home). Leash trained, basic commands, and most will fetch.

Half down will hold the adult of your choice for you!

Adult Deposit

We can accept deposits on a few select adults!

You may put a deposit down on any of them, and wait until we are ready for them to go? Or you may watch our web site, and watch for when they are for sure available.

"Pixie Girl" AKA "Pixie" is a black & tan female, out of Blue Girl and Duncan, born April 17th, 2020

Available for a new home

"Foxy Joy", AKA "Foxy", red with white female out of Tinker and Red, born on December 24th, 2018

Available for a new home

"Jolene Girl" AKA "Jolene" is a chocolate merle female, out of Blue Girl and Duncan, born April 17th, 2020

Available for a new home

"Let Mi Bea", AKC "Letty", darker sable female out of Bea & Buck. Born May 14th, 2021.

Available for a new home

"Peyton" dark cream/light gold female out of Pixie & Scooter, born July 23rd, 2021.

Available for a new home

"Buck", rare sable merle male out of Sparky and Buddy, born on April 25th, 2019.

Available for a new home

"Scooter Parti Boy", AKA "Scooter", is an adorable red & white Parti, Born February 13, 2020.

Available for a new home

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